Category: Uncategorized

  • Don’t Worry Salve Happy- produced by us (BushCraft Alchemy)

    St. John’s Wort the primary ingredient A friend of mine asked for more of my “Don’t Worry Salve Happy” salve. This product was among the first I ever crafted and is a true favorite! To start with. I use all organic ingredients in my products so win you OG (no it’s not original gangster lol,… Read more

  • Its Seed Start Time!

    A seed is like a thought give it care, and it will grow! Its February 15, 2025! Let’s start some seeds. Mostly right now you would want to focus on spring crops like kale, cauliflower and broccoli. If you have farm chickens, then it’s important to make sure your plants can handle themselves well into… Read more

  • Navigating, College, Toddlers and Farmstead.


    This is ongoing and there will be more posts about it! “Eliminate can’t from your vocabulary because you can!” I started college in April 2023. I was 35 my daughter was 5 months old, and my son had just turned 3. I felt motivated to do something with the time I would have by staying… Read more

  • Why that Feral Mom?

    We all have the desire to do better and be better! I am a mom of a 5-year-old boy and a 2-year-old girl. If you know you know… I had a somewhat decent childhood as a young child. My mom was a crafty mom we did arts and things like that. My dad was in… Read more

  • Hello world!

    Welcome! I hope that I can provide you with awesome advice and content to keep you, your family and your kids happy! Read more