Don’t Worry Salve Happy- produced by us (BushCraft Alchemy)

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St. John’s Wort the primary ingredient

A friend of mine asked for more of my “Don’t Worry Salve Happy” salve. This product was among the first I ever crafted and is a true favorite! To start with. I use all organic ingredients in my products so win you OG (no it’s not original gangster lol, its organic).

Let’s start with St. John Wort.
A bright beautiful orange that pops in a deep sea of herbaceous greenery. Both the leaf and flower are beneficial. St John’s Wort is known to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, is antifungal, anti-inflammatory, can help to improve mood swings, and several other potential benefits (Tua 2023).
I am lucky enough to have a patch of St. John’s Wort at my house and this is a plant you want to harvest and use somewhat fresh. You first want to gather your St. John’s wort in a safe place wash and pat dry you then want to wilt the plant matter until the next day. Fill a jar half full of plant matter, pour your choice of oil over the flowers making sure it is fully submerged. Set in a cool dark place for 1-2 weeks and then strain and use!

My Salve recipe is my infused OG sun coco oil OG beeswax and OG shea butter with a wild orange scent to mood boost!
The friend that asked if I had more actually wants it for her mom her mom loved it for her new tattoo at the time I’m betting she’s getting another soon!

You can find this salve through Facebook or stocked at our farmstand!

Tua Saúde. (2023, December). St. John’s Wort benefits (plus tea recipes & side effects).

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