Navigating, College, Toddlers and Farmstead.

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This is ongoing and there will be more posts about it!

“Eliminate can’t from your vocabulary because you can!”

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I started college in April 2023. I was 35 my daughter was 5 months old, and my son had just turned 3. I felt motivated to do something with the time I would have by staying at home with my kids. I always have this fear that I am never doing enough as a stay-at-home parent. I also felt as though I need a more 9-5 style job instead of that chef life. If you know you know.

When I was pregnant, I had gestational diabetes with both my daughter and son. I was able to control it with diet and exercise with my son, and with my daughter I had to take insulin shots. When you have a gestational diabetes diagnosis you are required to see a dietitian, they are supposed to help you with your meal choices and how to strive for good blood sugars etc. Well not to talk badly (I loved her) about my dietician but she had said to me “you know more about foods than I do at this point.” That really stuck with me. I could help women in the same situation as me and help them feel more at ease navigating the dreaded GDM diagnosis. When pregnant with my son I was terrified that everything I would eat or do would be bad for him. When I got the gestational diabetes diagnosis, I thought it was my fault, and it hurt so much. After immersing myself in everything GDM I learned its actually quite a common diagnosis, and is not the need of the world, but without guidance it can feel like it.

Why am I telling you this, well that’s why I decided to start searching for online schools that offer nutrition courses. I ultimately decided upon Purdue Global University they not only offer nutrition, but they offer holistic nutrition (which is what I am all about). It was a fairly easy process to get started I signed up did my FASFA got student loans and began my college journey. I have been with Purdue for 2 years now and ultimately it was the best choice I could have made to further my education while being a stay-at-home parent. If interested in looking into Purdue Global I included their link!

At first it was easy Serenity (My daughter) was young she slept most of the time. My son has always loved just playing with his toys. Slowly, it has gotten more difficult and harder to occupy my “ferals” when I need to do schoolwork.

Things that I have found that work

  • Magnetic Tiles
  • Blippi
  • Waking up before them
  • Staying up after them
  • When all else fails bribe with Ice cream
    I never said it was easy, the way I see it is I chose to go to school, I will also have student loans when I finish, I am going to succeed. Sometimes it means staying home and not having a life, other times it means watching a seminar on my way home from a family dinner. Thats convivence of the online courses
My first baby King Leopold!